Hearing loss and deafness are common disorders that can result from viral infections, high fevers, frequent ear infections, or genetic abnormalities. Many children needing adoptive famiilies suffere from some level of hearing loss. This could be caused by multiple ear infections, fevers, or other factors. Adopting a child who is deaf or suffers from hearing loss is quite common for families. Many children with this condition are waiting for a family.
Most forms of hearing loss cannot be cured directly, but hearing aids and cochlear implants can sometimes help a child to regain some hearing abilities.
Hearing-disabled children who are adopted at an early age tend to adapt very well. Many older adoptees as well find their world opening after entering an adoptive family. Contrary to popular belief, children with hearing loss are not difficult to place into families, and many deaf singles and couples, as well as average-hearing people adopt these special children.
RainbowKids.com is an Adoption Advocacy Website. We are the largest and oldest, online website helping people to adopt from multiple countries. Through RainbowKids, thousands of special needs and waiting children have found families...