Developmental Needs

Motor Delays

Facts About Motor Delays

Fine Motor Delays and Gross Motor Delays in Children:

Children with fine-motor delays have difficulty using their small muscles, so that tasks like grasping crayons with their fingers are tricky.

With gross-motor delays, the trouble is instead with large muscles and mastering skills like walking, kicking, hopping, and climbing stairs.

Commonly motor skill delays are caused by neurological conditions, such as cerebral palsy and dyspraxia, a motor-skill disorder that makes it difficult to plan and complete tasks, affect how well the brain sends signals to muscles and are usually to blame for motor-skill issues.

Motor Delays Prognosis

Children with severe motor delays  may need life long care. But kids with mild motor delays can learn to move normally, catch up with their peers, and look forward to leading independent lives as grown-ups.


Motor Delays
Motor Delays
Motor Delays