You're considering adopting a child from an African nation. What are a few things that you should know about adoption in general and adopting a child from Africa specifically?
Why Are Children from Africa in Need of New Families?
A loving, stable family is central to a child’s safety and well-being. One of the main goals of any country or culture is to keep the original family, or 'birth family' as it is commonly known, together by helping them through hard times.
Ages of Children at Adoption:
Most children are ages 3 and older and have been living in orphanages—some have been placed in foster care. Whenever possible, children living in orphanages who have been matched with an adoptive family are moved into foster care to ease each child’s transition to family life. Many children have special placement needs, such as cerebral palsy and developmental disorders. Some children are living with HIV. Boys, girls, and siblings are eligible for adoption.