Thinking About Adoption, but Not Sure? Hosting Can Help.
Getting started on the adoption path is often scary and confusing. It takes a lot of information to make that final decision, and many times a lot of starts and stops. If you are intrigued by adoption, but not quite ready to take the plunge, hosting a child might be just the thing. Hosting provides for a 3-to 5-week period the opportunity to have a child in the home and parent them. Summer hosting is an active, fun experience which engages communities of like-minded people in support of a group of children finding a family. Most hosting programs only require hosts to agree to advocate for the child – to help that child find an adoptive family – you do not have to agree to adopt. Hosting helps people who are undecided determine if they are ready to move forward, aren’t cut out for parenting an older, foreign child, or just need to take more time to make up their minds.