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Awakening East: Moving With Our Adopted Children Back to China

Family Adoption Stories, Media, Book Review

“Hey guys, we’re moving to China for a year and it’s gonna be great!  We’re going to travel and live and go to school and...

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Living What You Believe

China   Older Child Adoption, Adoptee Articles, Media

What is Adoption?  What is this great video that is showing up everywhere?  I'm pleased to share the 'back story', because it touches our fa...

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Operation Babylift

Adoption News, Orphan and Family Aid, Media

When I had agreed to be the next volunteer to escort six babies from Vietnam to their adoptive homes in the United States , there had been no increase...

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Adoption Panic or Paranoia?

Media, Adoption Process

In the past 15 years, Intercountry adoption has grown exponentially from just 7,000 children in 1990, to just over 23,000 in 2004. Though there has be...

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Three Ways to Create Your Child's Lifebook

Media, Bonding & Attachment

For some adoptive parents, making their childs lifebook comes easily, for many others it does not. Not every parent considers themselves to be a write...

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The English American

Media, Book Review

I think of our kids birth families every day.  Our older daughter has her first moms lips and sparkling eyes; our son and younger daughter have t...

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The Power of Words

Family Adoption Stories, Media, Adoption Process, Culture and Pride

During the years that I waited for my son's homecoming there was a lot of time for thinking. I'm sure you understand! I knew that there would be an en...

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Finding the Balance in Adoption

Korea South   Media, Post-Adoption, Culture and Pride

There is uniqueness to being an internationally- and trans-ethnically-adopted person. Most obvious is that the children grow up in a family in which t...

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Journalists: Please use accurate Adoption Terms!


Angelina and Brad just had their first child! Oh, and they have two adopted children. Mr. Famous So-and-so just died, leaving two sons and two adoped ...

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You are amazing!

Adoption News, Media

First of all, I would like to thank each & every reader for their prayers and support. I have received literally hundreds of e-mails from readers ...

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