Why We Chose Adoption from Taiwan

Why We Chose Adoption from Taiwan
There are many things to consider when choosing the right country for an international adoption. There are also various reasons why one country may be a better fit for your family than another.
Adoption from Taiwan is special in many ways and adoption travel has continued throughout COVID-19 with safety measures in place. However, many children are still waiting to be matched with a family.
We asked some of our Gladney families why they chose adoption from Taiwan. See what they had to say below!
‘We first chose Taiwan because of accuracy of child’s information. We heard stories from other countries about not being prepared to care for a child because they were not diagnosed or the file did not specify. Going through the process we love that we have background and family info, the monthly follow ups and the amazing care and attention to details with the child’s care during the whole process. The people involved truly loved our child and it was evident.’ 

- 7/30/2021 

‘My husband is originally from Taiwan, so we wanted to adopt our children from Taiwan. We also love Taiwan…. The people, the food, the culture, etc…. It’s just our initial reason was because we are Asian, and he was from Taiwan.’ 

- 7/28/2021 

‘When asked why Taiwan? We simply answer because that is where our son was ????  Our love for Taiwan has only grown & we are so blessed to grow our family via adoption. All the detail and family history is a special gift that other programs do not provide. Being able to share about the birth family in the future is another privilege Taiwan has gifted us.’ 

- 7/28/2021 

‘Honestly, for our first adoption, we didn’t know anything about Taiwan, but after that, we would choose it again and again. 

I think our favorite thing is how much they love the children and want what’s best for each one. Given, we’re only familiar with one orphanage personally, but know many other people who would say the same thing and didn’t have children in the same place. 

We’re very impressed with the thorough background and medical reports. Also, all of our children received good medical care before they came home. 

Definitely getting to meet their birth families is special and I’m so thankful we got to have that experience to share with our children. Those are precious moments for us as well. 

Taiwan is one of my absolute favorite places now! I can’t wait to go back just for a visit and for my children to get to see their birth families again. It’s a beautiful place to visit, so a very nice added bonus for the trip(s) there.’ 

- 7/28/2021 

‘I was born in Taiwan so familiarity was definitely a factor. But when I reflect on the adoption experience as objectively as possible, there are other general reasons too, and they were strong enough that we adopted a second time from Taiwan. Taiwan's institutions and processes are as disciplined as what we would mostly expect from a developed country, which I believe makes the adoption process smooth and with fewer surprises. They have access to good medical care and the legal processes are decisive. The country has also become very welcoming of visitors over the years, as tourism and business travel has become a big part of their economy.’ 

- 7/27/2021 


‘We feel like the people involved in the adoption process in Taiwan- from social workers to what we perceive the court system to be like- are invested in the children and truly care about what happens to them. When choosing a program, the idea of being able to Skype with our child almost provided relief. We understood the potential of that process to allow our child to see us and connect with us. We were thankful for an avenue that might ease any pain or anxiety she may feel when we take her from what she knows and into our custody.’ 

- 7/27/2021 

To see Gladney’s currently waiting children in Taiwan, please visit our Superkids blog. To learn more about Gladney’s Taiwan adoption program, please register and join our next monthly information session on Zoom!

We are here to help grow your family through adoption. Don't hesitate to reach out!

Gladney Center for Adoption

Texas Based
 2066 Waiting Children  10 Adoption Programs
 Call 817-922-6000 6300 John Ryan Dr. Texas https://blog.adoptionsbygladney.com/tag/superkids

Founded over 135 years ago, The Gladney Center for Adoption is a Hague accredited, adoption agency with international and domestic adoption programs. With adoption programs in Asia, Gladney is able to help parents adopt children of all ages. In each region that we work, we are excited to offer International Waiting Child Programs to help children who are part of a sibling group, who may be older, or have a medical need, to find a loving family and a permanent home. Gladney is able to work with families residing in all 50 U.S. states and provides individualized casework services to each family throughout the adoption process.

If you are considering adoption from Asia and would like information about our Superkids program, please contact superkids@gladney.org.

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Adoption News, Waiting Children, Adoption Process, Single Parent Adoption
It is possible to adopt internationally during the pandemic!

Older Child Adoption, Sibling Adoption, Special Needs Adoption, Family Adoption Stories, How To Adopt, Adoption News, Waiting Children, Adoption Process, Single Parent Adoption, Adoption Advocacy, Travel and Birthcountry Tours, The Teen Years, Child Welfare Advocacy