How To Adopt,
Adoption Process,
Adoption Advocacy,
Recently, one of our office staff members drove to the airport to pick up her parents whom she hadn’t seen in months. Though the flight was scheduled to arrive on time, she was excited and left early — 30 minutes early — just in case. “Sometimes planes arrive early,” she said. “I’ll just wait in the cell phone lot. I want to be ready for them when they arrive.”
We’ve all been there, haven’t we? Waiting for the UPS man to arrive or waiting for vacation to start. Waiting for the phone to ring or waiting for a child of our own. In matters big and small, waiting is hard to do.
For children living in orphanages overseas, their entire childhoods have been filled with waiting. Many wait for medical care. All wait for love and a family who will warmly embrace them. They literally have been waiting their whole lives. Most tragically, these children wait for something they have never known. It is so hard to wait.
During our trips overseas, we meet with many children who wait to be adopted. Each one has the same wish. She hopes that her waiting will end.
You can’t make a flight shorter or will the UPS man to arrive a day earlier at your door. But you can shorten the time a child waits to be adopted. How? It’s very simple: be paperwork ready.
Long before you first see the photograph of your new child, you can begin working to shorten his waiting time. By taking the step to commit yourself to a particular agency, by completing your home study and dossier, you are literally erasing days and months that your child will have to wait. When your paperwork is ready, you’ll be amazed at how quickly the process can move.
If you’ve been considering adoption, but you haven’t begun your paperwork yet, start today. Don’t wait another day. Your child is waiting for you.
Agape Adoptions
Washington Based
1211 Waiting Children
6 Adoption Programs
Call 253-987-5804
15605 Main Street E Washington
What our clients say: "I researched adoption options and agencies for nine months before we selected Agape Adoptions. Looking back, I can truly say that I had a wonderful experience with Agape. The communication was great. I loved that they handled all of the details for us. I always knew what was coming next and how long to expect to wait through each step." - R family, China program 2017
What to expect: At Agape Adoptions we believe that unwavering advocacy for waiting children and highly personalized services for adoptive families are necessary for a successful adoption - and we are dedicated to both. Our staff is devoted to ensuring waiting children are placed with a family that is committed to them and their needs. Simultaneously, we provide adoptive families with highly personalized care from our team of experienced professionals and in-depth parent training and education programs. We are a trusted partner for families across the U.S. who are embarking on the life changing journey of adoption. If you're ready to get started, or you just need someone to answer your questions and help you understand your international adoption options, we are ready to help.
The Details: Agape Adoptions is a licensed, fully Hague accredited child placing agency based in Washington state. We work with adoptive families across the U.S., and offer homestudy and post placement services to families in Alaska, Washington and Oregon. Agape currently has programs in China, Bulgaria, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Hong Kong, Romania, and Sri Lanka.
Connect with us: We hold virtual information meetings monthly, ususally on a Monday early in the month, at 6 pm pacific. To see when the next meeting is being held and register, click
here. To request our general information packet, click
here. To speak with one of our staff directly call
(253) 987-5804 or email . Our website is also a treasure trove of information,