The Honor of Advocating for Children

The Honor of Advocating for Children

In a few hours we’ll be on an airplane to begin the long trip back to the States. It has been yet another amazing visit here filled with hard work, good friends, and fun activities. I’m ready to sleep in my own bed, to eat American food, and to hug my family again. But I always leave Kampala with a twinge of sadness. It’s always hard for me to leave children who are waiting for families of their own.

The news has been filled lately with arguments about the pros and cons of international adoption. Very tragic stories have been center stage, and these stories have left some people wondering if international adoption should happen anymore. Certainly, there have been problems with the system — both in the States and abroad. That’s part of why I visit Uganda twice each year — to ensure that our team follows proper legal and ethical requirements as we advocate for children. But each time I meet with orphaned children, I know that we must continue in this important work. Where systems are broken, we must fix them. But we mustn’t be discouraged from the pursuit altogether. There are children who desperately need families.

It is always our desire that children can find forever families within their own countries. When that is not possible, it is our joy and privilege to advocate for them here in the United States. We do this because we believe that children do better growing up in families than in institutions. We do this because we believe that the possibilities and promise that are ours as a birthright are meant to be shared with those in need. We do this because we believe that no child should be left alone, without the unconditional love and acceptance that a family can give.

It is hard to leave Uganda, knowing that I am leaving children who are waiting for families. I hope and pray that they each will find homes where they are safe, loved and accepted. Insofar as Agape Adoptions is part of that story for them, it has been our honor.

Previously published at

Agape Adoptions

Washington Based
 1216 Waiting Children  6 Adoption Programs
 Call 253-987-5804 15605 Main Street E Washington

What our clients say: "I researched adoption options and agencies for nine months before we selected Agape Adoptions. Looking back, I can truly say that I had a wonderful experience with Agape.  The communication was great.  I loved that they handled all of the details for us.  I always knew what was coming next and how long to expect to wait through each step." - R family, China program 2017
What to expect: At Agape Adoptions we believe that unwavering advocacy for waiting children and highly personalized services for adoptive families are necessary for a successful adoption - and we are dedicated to both. Our staff is devoted to ensuring waiting children are placed with a family that is committed to them and their needs. Simultaneously, we provide adoptive families with highly personalized care from our team of experienced professionals and in-depth parent training and education programs. We are a trusted partner for families across the U.S. who are embarking on the life changing journey of adoption. If you're ready to get started, or you just need someone to answer your questions and help you understand your international adoption options, we are ready to help.
The Details: Agape Adoptions is a licensed, fully Hague accredited child placing agency based in Washington state. We work with adoptive families across the U.S., and offer homestudy and post placement services to families in Alaska, Washington and Oregon. Agape currently has programs in China, Bulgaria, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Hong Kong, Romania, and Sri Lanka.
Connect with us: We hold virtual information meetings monthly, ususally on a Monday early in the month, at 6 pm pacific. To see when the next meeting is being held and register, click here. To request our general information packet, click here.  To speak with one of our staff directly call (253) 987-5804 or email . Our website is also a treasure trove of information,

From The Inside Out

Special Needs Adoption, Family Adoption Stories, Boys