How to Choose an International Adoption Doctor

How to Choose an International Adoption Doctor

International adoption (IA) medical specialists and in some cases their clinics can offer families valuable information and support as they decide whether or not to adopt and what kind of placement to seek (pre-adoption consultation), whether or not to accept a specific referral (referral evaluation), and how to best address the child’s needs after home coming  (post-adoption consultations).  In order to choose the right IA doctor for your journey, please review the ten tips below.

  • Physical location of the doctor/clinic: Consider that the geographically closest IA doctor/clinic may not necessarily offer the most comprehensive and best-informed assessment/care for your family and child.  The quality of a referral evaluation should be of high importance in your choice.  Even an IA doctor that is far from where you live can support your most local IA clinic and pediatric practice in post-adoption care.  Weigh all options.
  • Country of origin knowledge: Does the doctor have specific knowledge of your child’s country of origin?  In the last three years, how many children from this country have been evaluated by the doctor pre- and post-adoption?
  • Access to additional specialists: Can and will the doctor reach out to other medical or developmental specialists to assess any diagnoses or observed concerns prior to adoption with which s/he may not be as familiar? What specialists from other disciplines are readily available for families post-adoption in the IA doctor’s network?
  • Size of clinic: Aside from the international adoption doctor, who is regularly part of the clinic team? Some clinics include occupational therapists, mental health specialists, social workers, and even workshops for siblings of adoptive children.
  • Scheduling: How long does it take to get a referral consultation appointment with this doctor and how will it take place (in person, over the phone, via email, etc.)? How long does it take to get an in-person appointment to assess a newly adopted child and can such appointments be scheduled prior to the child’s arrival in the US?
  • Cost: How much does a referral consultation cost and what is included? How much does a post-adoption assessment cost?  What insurance plans are accepted?
  • Travel support: What support does the doctor/ IA clinic provide for a family during adoption travel? Will s/he be available for additional consults by phone, email, Skye, etc. as questions or concerns may arise while traveling?
  • Medications: Will the doctor prescribe common medications that may be needed by the family or the newly adopted child while in the foreign country, such a malaria prophylaxis, antibiotics for common traveler intestinal problems, or scabies?
  • Recommendations: Seek recommendations from your home study and placing agencies and other adoptive families about their experience with the IA doctors you are considering.
  • Personal/ professional experience: Is the doctor an adoptive or foster parent him/herself? What motivated the doctor to specialize in adoption medicine? How long has the doctor practiced adoption medicine?


Hopscotch Adoptions, Inc

North Carolina Based
 1148 Waiting Children  7 Adoption Programs Homestudies in 2 States
 Call 336-899-0068 1208 Eastchester DriveSuite 120 North Carolina

HOPSCOTCH ADOPTIONS, INC is a HAGUE accredited adoption agency with active programs in: ARMENIA, BULGARIA, GEORGIA, GHANA, GUYANA, MOROCCO, SERBIA and UKRAINE. Also assisting on a case by case basis: PAKISTAN & KINSHIP Adoption from any country.  We assist in the placement of children into nurturing, prepared and stable families from these countries. Hopscotch can assist any family in the US and abroad, US citizens and non-US citizens, if the country of residence so permits. Hopscotch also provides HOME STUDY SERVICES, education and post placement services for residents of NORTH CAROLINA and NEW YORK or families residing abroad. Contact us today to begin your adoption journey! 

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