Host Families Needed!

Host Families Needed!

Cradle of Hope Adoption Center is in need of host families for three Summer 2014 Bridge of Hope hosting programs. Two separate July trips for Chinese children between 4 and 11, and one August trip for Colombian girls between 9 and 14.  Please contact Patricia Gancie to receive more information on these children.

Brief descriptions of children proposed for the China programs are below, and descriptions of Colombian children are being sent by separate email.  Potential host families should Patricia at Cradle of Hop ASAP to learn more about the programs and children. Videos and child reports are available on each child seeking a host family.

Host application deadline is May 9 .  COH is seeking families who have a strong interest in adopting an older child, rather than host-only families. The hosting regions are in the Midwest based in the Chicago area and along the East Coast.  We can consider out-of-region families on a case by case basis.  Host families must have current home studies completed by the time children arrive.

Chinese Children Needing Host Families:

DGD, 5.5 year old boy, has a ready smile and loves to play with his friends, even though he's shy.  He is said to have poor motor skills, but can walk independently and go up and down steps.  His video shows him dancing to music. He can pull zippers, take off and put on pants, put on shoes himself. 

DYS, 8.5  year old boy, is described as gentle, kind, obedient, sensible, communicative, and easy to laugh.  He had surgery for spina bifida, walks and runs normally, and has bowel and bladder control  He studies hard, and while the youngest in his class, is among the top students.  His favorite subject is math.  He gets along well with his classmates and is helpful to them and to his foster family with whom he now lives. 

DQB, 5.5 year old boy, has a diagnosis of hydrocephalus.  He had surgery for myelomeningocele in 2011, walks and runs normally, and has bowel and bladder control.  He is responsive and energetic, helpful, and likes to talk, laugh and play with others.  Building blocks are his favorite toys.

SHT, 7.5 year old girl, has had corrective heart surgery.  Reportedly she needs no further surgery or medication, and there is no effect on her day to day life.  She also is diagnosed with congenital laryngomalacia, softening of tissues of the voice box , causing noisy breathing in infancy.  In most cases this resolves without treament, but if more severe, surgery or medication may be needed.

DXS, 8 year old boy, is very smart, polite, easy going, helpful, and friendly.  He's a very nice boy who is always smiling.  He had meningocele surgery, can climb and descend steps independently, though slowly.  He studies well, and he has strong cognitive ability.  He has bowel and bladder control.  He is living with a foster family, is independent, and can take care of himself very well. 

DGK, 3.5 year old boy , had corrective surgery in 2012 for a cleft palate (no cleft lip).  When he is happy he can pronounce "squeak" and "mother" sounds.  He can button and take off his clothes, put on shoes himself, and is very cooperative when being dressed.  He is shy but loves to play with his friends.  His favorite toys are cars. 

DHQ, 6.5 year old boy, is outgoing, active, polite, friendly, playful, and helpful, watching out for his friends like a big brother.  His teachers and friends love him very much.  He has had corrective surgery for a cleft palate.  He has webbing on three toes on  one foot but it doesn't impact his ability to walk or run.. He loves music, story time, cartoons, and drawing.

DYG, 8.5 year old boy, is not diagnosed with any special needs.  He's lively and cheerful, open-minded and good with people,  talks and laughs easily.  He's an average student who likes math and language, can recite ancient poems and read and write Chinese characters.  He loves drawing, racing and sports, and all kinds of games.  He is good at managing his daily life.    

DKN, 9 year old boy, is missing his right eye, but has vision in his left eye and has a normal life without any problems.  He studies hard, makes good grades, and is praised by his teachers for his work and behavior.  He is described as a cheerful, obedient, curious, sensible and kind-hearted boy.  He is currently living with a foster family, is helpful and has a very good relationship with them.  NOTE:  An oculist in VA has offered to fit this boy with an artificial eye during his summer BOH visit.

DXL, 8.5 year old boy, is well-liked by his foster family, classmates and everyone who meets him.  He is smart and easy-going, self-disciplined, organized, mature, and active in school.  He likes to play soccer and hide-and-seek.  He had surgery for a meningocele in 2011, and he  walks and runs normally.  He has bowel and bladder control.  He wants to become a doctor when he grows up.

DYP, 7.5 year old boy, is diagnosed with hydronephrosis, but his kidneys have been tested, and this has no effect on his daily life.  He has made good grades in school, likes to help and play with children, has quick reactions, and loves to laugh.

ZHX, 7 year old boy, is deaf and has had corrective surgery for his club feet.  He can run, and his video shows him walking normally.  More information expected.

DTE, 10.5 year old boy, has some malformation of his right ear, but does not have hearing deficiencies.  He is described as very smart and active.  He has a good relationship with classmates and teachers, likes to read books, is skilled with computers.  He likes to help other children and tell them stories. 

ZHF, 7 year old boy,  is diagnosed with scoliosis.  More information expected.  

DHF, 11 year old boy, has no special diagnoses, gets good grades in school.  More information expected.

ZHA, 7 year old boy, had corrective surgery for meningocele in 2007.  He has bowel and bladder control.  More information expected

DYJ, 7.5 year old boy, has had surgery for myelomeningocele.  He has bladder and bowel control.  He also has had surgery for a hernia and right club foot.  He has made good grades in school.

Colombian Children Needing Host Families:

Sisters Karen, 14, and Nicol, 9,  have lived together since entering the system due to neglect by their mother and social family risks.  Karen is described as happy, enthusiastic, stable, sociable and affectionate, adaptable, patient and collaborative.  She hasn't shown any significant academic difficulties.  She loves participating in groups with her sister and friends, is protective of her sister and doesn't want to be separated from her.  She has many interests including reading; sports like swimming, fishing, basketball and soccer; painting, dance, theater and music; and family games.  Nicol is stable, friendly, emotionally expressive, sociable and affectionate, easily adapts to new routines.  She, too, loves being with her sister and other girls her age.  She's highly motivated to reach  goals she sets for herself, and she is ecstatic when others acknowledge her accomplishments.  She is patient and intelligent, shows human values and morals in her relationships.  She has no significant academic challenges.  She and her sister share the same interests.  They would love to live in a two-parent family with or without other children.

Xiomara, 13.5, has been living in an orphanage for six  years.  Her birthparents had a volatile relationship and failed to provide for their children who were found begging on the street.  Xiomara was assuming the maternal role for her brothers who have since been adopted, and she wants a family too.  She is described as friendly, respectful, helpful, shy and affectionate.  She follows instructions, likes physical activities, prefers to be in small groups, and likes to receive praise from adults.  Xiomara has some academic difficulties but she concentrates well and would benefit from consistent support of parents to make academic progress.  She does well sharing with friends, animals and younger children. Xiomara is Catholic and goes to church every Sunday with her foster family.  She is open to a family with one or two parents, with or without other children. 

Nathaly, 13, lived in a private orphanage/mission for two years before coming into state care in 2010 and has lived in several different orphanages.  Her mother died and her father abused drugs.  Nathaly maintains contact with her godparents by phone and through occasional visits.  Nathaly may have suffered sexual abuse but her reports of this are inconsistent.  She's had some academic difficulties but has shown significant improvement.  She is reported to be in good  health.  Nathaly, a practicing Catholic, wants to have a family.  She likes painting, drawing, dancing and acting.  She is a leader and is good at making and keeping friends.  She likes to take care of animals and is very protective of young children.  She adapts well to change and is able to give and receive affection.  She is open to a family with one or two parents, with or without other children. 

Sisters Maria, 13, and Giovana, 11.5, live together in a foster home where they both show affection, respect, tolerance, and comprehension.  They have been in care since 2010 after being neglected and mistreated by their family.  There is some report of sexual abuse in the family.  The girls are close and happy and their biggest fear is being separated.  Both love spending time together and with their foster family.  Both girls are practicing Catholics.  Maria has a love of music, singing, dancing and taking piano lessons.  She also loves basketball, reading and writing, going to the park and spending time with school friends.  She is disciplined, in the top 10 of her class, and does best in her favorite subjects.  She is an extrovert who appreciates solidarity and cooperation, and she is admired by her peers because of her personality.  Giovana is a calm girl who is highly motivated in her school work and likes to participate in cultural and social events in her school.  She makes friends, expresses her ideas easily, and is a leader.  She loves spending time with her sister and foster family.  Her biggest fear is being separated from her sister.  Her main interests are music, dance and theater, basketball, swimming and going out.  In school she is in the top of her class in math, likes Spanish and art, and participates in math olympics and writing and singing contests.  The girls would love to live in a two-parent family with other children.

Maria, 12, is a single girl  who is active, involved, social, happy, open to friends and adults, affectionate, and adaptable.  She has a talent for dance and participates in dance groups, loves going to movies, playing sports like basketball and soccer.  She entered the protection system in 2010,  due to maltreatment and neglect by her mother.  Though she was treated and counseled for aggressive behavior when she first entered the system, she now shows no behavior problems, with good control of impulses and emotions, and fears aggressive behavior by others.  She is described as perseverant, dedicated and responsible in her school work.  She shows the most strength in Math and Spanish, and she's studying English, though she experiences some difficulty learning it.  She would like to live with a mom and dad who have other children. 

Please contact Patricia Gancie to receive more information on these children. Visit Cradle of Hope Adoption Center now.

Read More: What Is Orphan Hosting?

Cradle of Hope

Maryland Based
 370 Waiting Children  3 Adoption Programs
 Call 301-587-4400 8630 Fenton St. Suite 310 Maryland

We are a Hague-accredited international and domestic adoption agency in operation for 34 years.  We provide homestudy services in MD, VA and DC.  We provide placement services for families across the US who want to adopt from Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Liberia or the US.