Could You Host a Child from Taiwan?

Could You Host a Child from Taiwan?

Finding families for sibling groups or children older than infancy has always been challenging.  Hosting is one program that can benefit both families and children. Even families who are "host-only", and use the time with the children to advocate for them, are an essential part of helping a child find the family that is a good match for them. 

"We hosted a 9-year-old boy in 2006," shared Martha Osborne, founder of  "We were host only, but it was such an amazing time. All the host families met up for pool parties and picnics, and on one magical day at our local aquarium, a wonderful couple, who were interested in adoption, shyly attended the event and met our sweet host-child.  They shared with me years later that they would have never adopted had they not had the opportunity to meet and spend time with Dima.  Ten years later I was invited to attend Dima's graduation from highschool, in a little town in Louisiana. It was one of the sweetest moments of my life."

A hosting program is an opportunity to identify possible permanent families for older children who have been cleared for inter-country adoption and are waiting for their adoptive placement. These children will able to experience family life and be exposed to a more stimulating environment than in the group care or foster care settings where they currently live.  However, it is not just the children who will benefit, but you and your entire family.  The hosting experience will affect you in many ways – dispel fears about adopting an older child, teach your children a valuable lesson in compassion, expose your friends and family to the orphan crisis, and give you the opportunity to have an integral role in orphan advocacy.

The hosting program offers both an educational, as well as a culturally rich experience for you and your family. Your family will provide a loving and nurturing environment exposing the child(ren) to family life.  After the designated visit time, all children return to their home country with an impactful and rewarding experience. For most of these children, it will be the first time that they have experienced what it feels like to be a part of a family.

The main goal of this program is ultimately to improve the health, education, and general welfare of orphaned children in our programs. These children have often been raised in institutional care  and have little experience with a stable healthy family or with the benefits of life in the United States.  Participation in the hosting program also allows for better advocacy for these children, as staff and the host family get to know the child on a deeper level beyond what is learned through a paper file.

Right now, there are 4 children who are waiting for a host family. Without someone bravely stepping forward to host, these children will not have the opportunity to travel to the US and possibly find their family. You can read more about these children here: Kellet, Nathan and Naomi, Samuel

Or contact  Leta White to inquire about hosting!

Gladney Center for Adoption

Texas Based
 2066 Waiting Children  10 Adoption Programs
 Call 817-922-6000 6300 John Ryan Dr. Texas

Founded over 135 years ago, The Gladney Center for Adoption is a Hague accredited, adoption agency with international and domestic adoption programs. With adoption programs in Asia, Gladney is able to help parents adopt children of all ages. In each region that we work, we are excited to offer International Waiting Child Programs to help children who are part of a sibling group, who may be older, or have a medical need, to find a loving family and a permanent home. Gladney is able to work with families residing in all 50 U.S. states and provides individualized casework services to each family throughout the adoption process.

If you are considering adoption from Asia and would like information about our Superkids program, please contact