She enjoys watching TV and exploring new things! She is described as extroverted, active, relentless, and likes playing with her peers.
Please read this sweet write up from Kindra's time at camp. Please contact Jenna Parker for more information on Kindra.
During my time volunteering at Kids Camp I got to meet so many amazing, sweet kids. I really connected with one particular girl, Kindra, which I believe happened because I saw a lot of my tendencies in her. Like me, Kindra was more on the shy side and didn’t talk much. We easily fell into a rhythm where I would chase her around the camp until I caught up to her and then we would start again. Whenever I caught up with Kindra, a huge smile filled her face and she would start giggling. Kindra and I easily became buddies. I enjoyed hanging out with her because she always had the biggest smile on her face. After I got to know Kindra, I could see that she was one happy, sweet, joyful girl!

However, Kindra’s story is not one full of happiness, but instead one filled with abandonment and transition. Throughout camp, Kindra was introduced to her Heavenly Father and I was thankful to be a part of her story. Kindra needs a home that will provide her with comfort and love and point her to a loving and perfect Heavenly Father. Please join me in praying that this sweet, joyful girl will find her forever family and, most importantly, understand the love of her Heavenly Father
and this also from camp:
* Seemed to enjoy us playing with her long, beautiful hair.
* Likes grapes and chicken soup!
* Wanted to be spoon fed. She didn’t seem to want to eat until I broke up pieces and handed them to her or held a chip bag up for her to take the chips. (That seemed to be the case with anything that wasn’t finger food, like grapes). When I handed pieces of food to her, though, she opened her mouth instead of taking the pieces from my hand.
* Semi-verbal: can say a few words in Chinese, usually enough to get her point across. She can say “want to play”, “jacket”, “toy”, etc. Though she doesn’t speak much, she understood most, if not all, that was spoken to her. She responded appropriately when I spoke to her. For example, when I asked her to leave her toy in the van while we go into Target, she put it down. When I asked her to “come with me to change her pants” (she had spilled soup on them trying to grab the bowl), she immediately jumped up and followed me.
* Did not like the bathrooms and did much better with a pull-up and hand sanitizer. She knew when she needed a new pull-up and had no problems going to get one to have me help her change it.
* Loved things that make noise. She seemed to be very sensory stimulated, but she especially loves sounds. The two toys she liked most (at Target) were a toddler cell phone that made noise when various buttons were pushed and a soft bear that talked when you pushed it’s belly. She hugged the bear and kissed his forehead. But the cell phone did not come out of her hand for the next hour (and then only because it was a loud room, so she couldn’t hear it well)! But even though she loved things that make noise, she didn’t seem to need to make noise herself. She was a pretty quiet, introverted child.
* Seemed pretty relaxed, especially the second half of her time at camp. She probably was dealing with quite a bit of culture shock at the beginning, because she did try to run from us at one point. But when she climbed in the four-wheeler and she didn’t have to really interact with anyone (just ride), she became much calmer
* She loved sitting on my lap, especially at moments when she was tired.
Kindra is so sweet and so gentle. She loves to look at books and enjoyed showing pictures she liked to others. One day she found the push broom and she swept and swept and swept! I loved how happy and content she was doing even the most simplest thing. She is a beautiful and precious girl!
Please watch Kindra's sweet camp video. Password: Kindra