There are some things that we will never understand as humans, why God chose to bless my family with Rosa is one of those things. In May 2010 I met her for the first time in Shell, Ecuador on a mission trip that I begged my mom to go on, she is awesome and supported me 100% to follow where God was leading me. If you asked her today she would say that I am the reason we went on that first trip, but it was her too and mostly God. His grace and love put us there. I believe that when you are where God wants you, in His will, that you will be abundantly blessed, and boy does this story prove that.
When we first arrived in Ecuador I was amazed at the beauty, the land was amazing, but the people were incredible. In America we take so much for granted, particularly at 15. When you see people in a third world country you will be changed forever, your view on life will not be the same. When we got to the orphanage I was so surprised that anyone could live like that and be so happy still, these kids were grateful for a roof over there head and food on the table, whatever that food may be. I could feel God there, with those babies. I fell in love with them. They needed love, they needed attention, and they needed a bigger building. We worked on that most of the week, but we did get to take some of them to the park. Rosa just happened to be in that group, amazing when I look back on it!
My mom was falling in love with Rosa and I didn’t know it until much later, I guess a mom just knows. We can back from Ecuador so excited to share all that we had seen and experienced with our family and friends. I don’t remember my mom ever saying much about wanting to adopt so I had no idea that that could be a possibility, plus most of the kids at this orphanage aren’t adoptable. Mama wanted Rosa, I guess you just know when you know. She talked my daddy into coming back the next year with our whole family, we came back with a whole group from our church. My daddy and brother met Rosa and fell in love just like we had of course (I mean, look how adorable).

We came back home in 2011 and my parents started praying that if it is His will that they will be able to adopt her. I can remember when they told me that she had gone to live with another family, I was heartbroken but you can’t help but be happy for her. If that was what God wanted then that will have to be ok. We still prayed for her because we already loved her, the other family didn’t get to finish the adoption process so we could adopt her. My parents didn’t waste any time this time. It took 16 long months, but on July 3, 2012 we went to get her! I can remember how excited we were, it was so surreal to be going to Ecuador to get a new family member. I was getting a sister, just like the one I had always dreamed of. God is so amazing in every situation.
We are so beyond blessed to have her, I love her so much more than I ever imagined being able to. People will tell me that my parents must be REALLY good people and that my little sister is so blessed, and I agree, because they are amazing. Only when you adopt do you realize that you are the one receiving the blessing. Adoption changed our life forever and I really don’t remember what life was like before Rosa was my sister. I just know that my life is so much more full now that she is here.
It is the mission of Illien Adoptions International, Inc. to find permanent families for abandoned children anywhere in the world and to provide assistance to other neglected and destitute children in need who are not legally abandoned, without limitation to political or geographic boundaries, religion or ethnic origin.