Welcome to RainbowKids.

We are here to provide you with the tools, resources, and guidance that you need when considering building your  family through international adoption. RainbowKids is not an adoption agency, and there are no fees or charges associated with our advocacy. 


Start Here

Our photolisting features children who need additional help finding a family.

Waiting Children

It is set by each country's government and varies from country to country.

Affording Adoption

We are transparent and try to overestimate and prepare you for every potential cost.

Country Adoption Programs

If you're ready to start your adoption process, applying online is secure and easy.

Families with Special Circumstances

We can help you navigate your options without pressure to take the next steps.

How to Choose an Adoption Agency

Check out our free, easy ways to gather more information about adoption.



Eastern Europe
Latin America
Eastern Europe
Eastern Europe
Eastern Europe
Latin America

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