Jayne: Only Four Months to Find Her a Family or She Ages Out

Jayne: Only Four Months to Find Her a Family or She Ages Out

UPDATE 1/5/17!! We are THRILLED to report Jayne has a family!!  Thank you to all who advocated!  

Urgent!! $8000 Agency Fee Waived! 

Dear Jayne (RK# 33388),

You are on my mind tonight, which isn’t a new thing for me.  I think of you often, and it haunts me that we only have four months to find your family and get you home.  That isn’t much time.  I’m doing all that I know to do, and I worry it isn’t enough.  Why haven’t we found them yet?  Why haven’t they seen your amazing smile and realized you are their daughter?  They have to be out there.  They just have to.

As I think of you, I think of your story, and all that you have endured.  You already were adopted at the age of 3.  You already had the promise of forever.  And then your adoptive mother passed away from cancer, and your dad struggled.  Your forever ended and you were returned to the orphanage when you were 11.  Promises were broken.  Yet, because of your unbreakable spirit, you are not ready to give up.  You still want forever.  And please know that so many of us want you to have it.

Jayne, please know that I do not pity you.  I admire you.  I admire your resolve and your strength.  To have gone through all that you have gone through, and still dream of a family, is remarkable.  You have a loving spirit that you have held onto, regardless of your past.  In some ways, I envy you….I wish I had your kind of strength. 

I will keep searching for them, Jayne.  I will keep searching for your forever.  And I wish I could promise that I’ll find them.  But you’ve already experienced too many broken promises, so I know better than to say that.  But please know that I am doing all I can, and so many people are thinking of you and sharing your story.  You are a remarkable young lady Jayne, and my dream is that I will meet you one day, living out your forever.

You friend,


Watch a video of beautiful Jayne dancing! : Jayne

Password: Adoptmaa

Jayne needs a family today!

Please take a moment to consider adding Jayne to your family.  Share Jayne's story near and far. If now is not the right time for you it may be the perfect time for someone you know! Jayne WILL age out in March 2017!   

Jayne's  life has been anything but easy. She has expereinced more loss in her thriteen years of life then most adults do in a lifetime.  Her file was just recently made ready for adoption thanks to a new orphanage partnership with her placing agency. Jayne is eager to have a warm family of her own!

Jayne has a sweet disposition and is exceptionally kind and well behaved.  Take a look at her video (PW:Adoptmaa) and you will see she is like any other 13 year old girl busting some dance moves and smiling all the way!  Jayne enjoys rehearsing for performances with other children and is a very positive participant  in activities organized by social organizations.

Because of so many life struggles beyond her control Jayne is behind in her education and struggles with cognition. She is willing to study with other children and wants to make progress. Jayne loves her class and life in general. 

Recently an advocate met Jayne and shared her thoughts:  "Jayne was adopted as an infant and the family did not take good care of her. She was neglected and received no education. She was returned to her orphanage 2 years ago. She is pretty delayed because of the neglect, but the orphanage has her in school and they do say she is making progress. She would need a special family to be able to meet her where she is and accept that fact that she may not progress much. She was recently met by an advocate who thinks there is potential in her, and with the right fit, perhaps she could catch up and be an average learner!"

If you are interested in reviewing Jayne's file or in adopting Jayne contact Sarah at Madison Adoption Associates ASAP or fill out their PAP Waiting Child Review Form, which can be found HERE.

Gladney Center for Adoption

Texas Based
 2024 Waiting Children  10 Adoption Programs
 Call 817-922-6000 6300 John Ryan Dr. Texas https://blog.adoptionsbygladney.com/tag/superkids

Founded over 135 years ago, The Gladney Center for Adoption is a Hague accredited, adoption agency with international and domestic adoption programs. With adoption programs in Asia, Gladney is able to help parents adopt children of all ages. In each region that we work, we are excited to offer International Waiting Child Programs to help children who are part of a sibling group, who may be older, or have a medical need, to find a loving family and a permanent home. Gladney is able to work with families residing in all 50 U.S. states and provides individualized casework services to each family throughout the adoption process.

If you are considering adoption from Asia and would like information about our Superkids program, please contact superkids@gladney.org.

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